To whom who may concern:
We have reported by a Carousell User yesterday (10th July 2023) and another one by today (11th July 2023) that he/she received a Whatsapp message from a Carousell 在線客服 that asking for paying a HK$5000 fee to activate the [金流保障服務]. Please note that this is a scammer and they use our company office phone number and office address act as Carousell office number and address in the Whatsapp communication.
We, NetMon Information Systems Limited, don't have any relationship with this scammer and not have any relationship with Carousell 在線客服 as well. We already reported this issue to Carousell Customer Online Support as well as Hong Kong Police Force Anti-Deception Coordination Centre.
Please don't pay to the scammer and report to The Hong Kong Police Force if you have any loss on this case.
我們公司從昨天(2023年7月10日)和今天(2023年7月11日)收到了兩名Carousell (旋轉拍賣)的用家通知。他們說收到報稱Carousell的在線客服WhatsApp聯絡,要求他們繳交港幣5000元的[金流保障服務]。請各位注意,這是一個網騙,於這個對話之中,騙徒將我們公司的電話號碼和地址說成是Carousell的香港辦事處地址和熱線電話。
NetMon Information Systems Limited
11th July 2023